
Drugstores, or pharmacies, sell cosmetics and toiletries as well as many other products.

Neat baskets are filled with rolled white towels, toiletries and bottled water.

Some hotels are quietly removing amenities like cookies or fruit from lobby areas, or newspapers or toiletries from guest rooms.

Some 100-thing minimalists don't own this stuff; others get around it by counting all their files or toiletries or clothes as one "thing."

According to WWF, palm oil is used in a vast range of foods and toiletries – often just listed as "vegetable oil/fat" in the ingredients.

Abide by 3-1-1: Yes, the 3-1-1 rule for carry-on liquids—the one that limits all passengers to one quart-sized zip-top bag of liquid toiletries of no more than 3.4 ounces each—is still in effect.

Some even make big money appearing in advertisements for soft drinks, shoes and even toiletries.

Minimal toiletries: deodorant, toothbrush, razor, Dr. Bronner's liquid soap (for washing clothes in the sink, and shaving), dental floss.

Unsure if the ring would ever see the light of day, I had stuffed it into my toiletries bag, the one now being emptied by the customs officer.

I made my way through Florence Airport to discover that it has a (strict) one-piece-of-hand-luggage, belts-off, shoes-on, toiletries-out, laptop-out, watch-off approach to security.

You'll also need soap and deodorant and a towel and other toiletries.

But I know other airports with a two-piece, belts-on, shoes-off, toiletries-in, laptop-in, watch-on practice.

They provide basic toiletries and paper slippers for the guests.

Your money is for all of your personal expenses: school supplies. Clothing, toiletries, entertainment and lunch purchased at school.


Also, you could opt for short showers and use your own toiletries instead of the small and usually over-packaged small hotel toiletries.

Natural parents must furnish adequate spending money with will cover the expense of the student's school material, toiletries, entertainment, transportation, school lunches, etc.

The airline offer first class passenger a bag of DE luxe toiletries.

We did everything correctly: took off our shoes, held up our regulation-size Ziploc bag of toiletries and put it into the little white dish.