
Now Afghanistan, the subject of much presidential attention, offers an opportunity for more overt co-operation.

Any overt action would contravene its self-proclaimed doctrine of non-intervention and sully its narrative of a peaceful rise.

For some temperaments, it will not be easy because the entire nervous system and body have been geared over the years to activity, to overt and tense functions.

But the consequences were overt and painful.

Lenovo's 'blog for schwag' promotion for athletes is a more overt example.

Perhaps humans have simply entered a new stage of evolution in which we have abandoned chocolates, door holding, flowers or any overt gesture of interest for a new and unnatural order of things.

Every measure, both overt and covert, is being taken against terrorists.

Since retreating in the face of a popular uprising against its interference, Syria has clawed its way back to a position of less overt but almost as effective dominance.

In some situations, disqualifying bias can be shown by circumstantial evidence rather than by an overt statement by the official.


This current action is clearly overt.

Even in modern-day Japan, speaking one's mind or making an overt demand can lead to ostracization.