
Is this wave of affluence a chimera or does it have solid underpinnings?

In part, that is the result of the growing affluence of India's emerging middle classes.

Big coupes like this one, projecting affluence but astonishingly inefficient in their use of interior space, have all but disappeared from the portfolios of American manufacturers.

And do these relative levels of mental ability remain the same as we grow up or do they vary according to the affluence of parental homes?

Koreans are still charging hard, still obsessed with their position relative to other countries, but they are finally starting to enjoy their affluence by building themselves a better quality of life.

Despite a general level of affluence never before realized in the.

The twixters aren't lazy, the argument goes, they're reaping the fruit of decades of American affluence and social liberation.

At the Morning Star Ranch in Marin, the residents called their way of life "voluntary primitivism," a design for living that transcended both excessive affluence and minimal hygiene.


They are the products of post-war affluence.

There is also a clear correlation between growing affluence and rising cross-border mobility, not only for education and tourism, but for immigration purposes as well.

Again we see the advantage of affluence.

The country's modern building frenzy — DAMS, roads, airports, ports, reconstructed cities — has laid the foundation for industrial affluence, but has overstretched the nation's resources.

Literacy was a sign of affluence, and rich men and women were in frequent correspondence with each other.

It is easy to spot the foreigners' homes, with their sturdy walls and red-tiled roofs, an archipelago of affluence among the smaller, poorer houses of their new neighbors and in-laws.

Once they reach a certain level of affluence, they also start to buy art.