
The rainfall averages 36 inches a year.

What is the average rainfall for August in your country?

The annual total rainfall of 300 mm seems somewhat low for the region at these latitude.

Insects are the primary food for many birds during the winter, and rainfall largely determines the amount of insects available.

Although it didn't form into actual rainfall, scientists remain positive they can soon manipulate weather conditions and even prevent showers.

Throwing sulphur into the atmosphere could slow down the world's water cycle and do more damage to rainfall patterns than the global warming it aims to prevent.

Garrigue Scrub woodland a secondary formation derived from the original mixed forest, characteristic of limestone areas of the Mediterranean region, with low rainfall and thin, dry soils.

But then studies revealed startling news: Albuquerque's aquifer was nowhere near the size it once appeared to be and was being pumped out faster than rainfall and snowmelt could replenish it.


We measure rainfall by the millimeter.

Ample sunshine and rainfall are bringing the crops on nicely.

Ephemeral Lake Carnegie, in Western Australia, fills with water only during periods of significant rainfall.

Listen to the radio or watch TV for warnings about intense rainfall or for information and instructions from local officials.

Water and sediment flows to the delta have declined dramatically since the 1970s, due to both reduced rainfall and explosive urban and agricultural demand for water upstream.

Somebody going away for a fortnight in that part of the world would find it helpful to have a day-by-day prognosis of temperature, rainfall, sunshine, wind conditions and so on.

Crop yield correlates closely with annual rainfall.

The development of subsurface flow in soil slope due to rainfall infiltration has been studied with numerical analysis.

The new blanket of tree cover would bring its own weather system and rainfall, while soaking up carbon dioxide from the world's atmosphere.

Plentiful rainfall is expected in Southwest China.

Temperature changes show similar patterns, as do cyclone trajectories and rainfall patterns.

Although the prevailing monsoon winds blow either from the North-East or the south-west, there are times when a depression originating in the Mediterranean can result in rainfall in Punjab.

This could alter storm tracks, rainfall patterns and food production far to the south.

The variation of water and sand is studied under the influence of the rainfall and human activity in the fore and aft er management of small watershed in gully region of the loess plateau.

But for now the RBI thinks that rake hikes and reports of a good rainfall are enough to reign in prices.

This area has very low rainfall.

The rains were abnormally heavy -- the Yangtze basin had 15 percent more rainfall in 2010 than in an average year.