
It is hard to say that any level is "normal"; volatility is in itself volatile.

Individual investors, still fearful of stock market volatility, are reaching out for more yield in different ways as well.

If you want to achieve standardized, predictable processes, concentrate on assessing and managing the volatility of those processes.

An excellent metric for volatility is gross change per unit time, with the overall assessment being the trend over time for this metric.

After nearly nine months of volatility, and a deciduous forest's worth of reports by stockbrokers on the outlook for markets, global share prices are back where they were at the start of the year.

“Given the extreme volatility in the markets, I don’t expect [the payout rate] will be set until we have a much more concrete sense about financial plans and endowment performance, ” Forst said.

Since inception, it's had 17.9% annualized returns with half the volatility of stocks.

The fear inside of China is that excess RMB volatility could wreak havoc on a still fragile financial system.

Yet investors who have been scarred by the volatility of the past two years may now care more about stable performance than big returns.

But now the impact on exports of higher oil prices, coupled with a sharp rise in the yen since last summer-a consequence largely of financial-market volatility-throws that profitability into question.

S. securities markets, nearly always behind the curve, have gone into a state of panicky volatility.

The authors say one of the more troubling findings of their report is the high level of aid volatility to the fragile states.

The result, he said, would be unnecessary volatility.

But if all traders are trying to do the same, volatility will rise even further, well beyond the limits the models suggest.


The sheer volatility in the market as a result of the downgrade could end up helping, not hurting some investors, especially hedge funds, which thrive on market volatility.

For the trade to be tempting to speculators, there must be low levels of volatility and large differentials in short-term interest rates to offset the risk of adverse currency moves.

Others have done so because the daily volatility has been so great that agreeing on a price has been impossible.

Only rarely, as on February 27th, does the curve “invert” so that short-term implied volatility is higher than long-term.