
Tom lied to the boss about his work.

It WAS Greece that let public spending rip, lied about it and is now trying to stave off default.

I bought Dickan expensive pen, but he sold it for a song and then he lied tome, saying that he has lost it. I really got irritated!

When Ekman was waiting for a biopsy report on a suspected cancer some years ago, he says by way of example, "I lied to my wife when she asked me why I was acting strangely."

Davis said that he had spoken to the friend who had allegedly abandoned Katy, and the friend had ended the relationship not because Katy was a lesbian but because Katy had lied about it.

I have lied in admitting the disgusting charges laid against my Order.

One interviewee lied about her weight in her profile, and it was all the motivation she needed.

Today's leaked documents shed no new light on the most oft-rehearsed of those charges - that he lied about, or exaggerated, the threat from Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.


"Fine," I lied, my voice weak.

If he lies awake on his inflatable mattress on the floor in the South Harbor, it is not because he has lied.

The witness lied to the court.

The boy lying on the ground lied to his mother that he laid the egg laid by the hen on the table.

However , even if I was correct in my belief, that I lied is still prima facie wrong.

BERLIN (Reuters) - A German cyclist lied to police about being mugged because he was afraid to tell his wife the truth: he rode into a lamppost while drunk and injured himself.

Kids hate being lied to. To them, lying is cruel and illogical.