
Not that learning is to be despised, but that it must be allied to goodness.

ORSO also trains technologists in allied countries and then challenges them to beat its record.

Their doggedness earned them the “bitter admiration” of the allied forces as they fought their bloody way through Normandy to liberate Paris.

In trying to make it harder for customers to get legal advice from formally allied firms, or even a global one-stop shop, Brazil is moving against a tide towards globalisation in legal practice.

They established "the Secession" (stylistically allied with art nouveau).

Japan allied with Germany and Italy to form the Axis Pact of 27 September 1940.

He says allied forces are not losing in eastern Afghanistan, but they are not winning as quickly as he would like.

NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen told reporters the best way to expedite both the reconciliation and reintegration process is to keep up the allied military pressure on the Taliban.

If the philosophy and reputation are allied strongly to a liberal arts education, direct vocational training in tourism is not likely.

His victory was not just a triumph for Bolivians but also for all "anti-imperialist" governments and peoples, said Mr Morales, who is allied with Mr Chavez and Cuba in an anti-American block.

Some military personnel and veterans served as consultants to EA to help make sure the game was both accurate and respectful to U.S. and allied troops.

One hit the airport and others fell close to allied headquarters.

Relying on intelligence from the rebels will not give allied pilots the kind of real-time situational awareness that they will want.


The groups regularly send militants across the border to attack U.S., Afghan and allied forces.