
Traits such as anxiety, negativity, neuroticism etc have been found to bring problems in a marriage and subsequent dissatisfaction.

The results showed that conscientiousness and extraversion were positively related to voice behavior, while neuroticism and openness to experience were negatively related to it;

In addition, they experienced decreased neuroticism, or negative emotionality.

The Edinburgh researchers, too, found that older study participants scored lower than younger ones on scales of neuroticism -worry and nervousness -and higher on scales of agreeableness.


NC was correlated positively with neuroticism (N), and negatively with extraversion (E) and conscientiousness (C).

Don't deceive yourself to find a better one. The more you get to the back, the more you know what it's going to do, and love this thing, just to be taboo, it needs slight confusion and neuroticism. So, the best, pure and early, with the growth itself, away from you.

The study found the same relationship between IQ scores and mortality, as well as a significant association between higher neuroticism and increased mortality risk.

Those with partners who scored highly on tests for neuroticism were more likely to be unhappy - and to stay unhappy for as long as the relationship lasted.