
He's always bleary - eyed early in the morning.

You look bleary-eyed. What you need most is forty winks.

He was staying up nights, had never felt so weary, was going to school with his eyes puffed and bleary.

Most of the graduates are pretty bleary-eyed and relieved by the time they get into that stadium; their parents doubly so.

You reach a certain bleary point in the evening, after the heartfelt toasts, after the cake-cutting, after the first dance to that song from Armageddon, when people drop their guards.

A dark figure sat up from the bed, got out of bed sideways, and walked towards the door. The orange light of corridor lamp shone on the man's face at the moment when the door was opened. It could be seen clearly that Bai Li was bleary-eyed with messy sideburns.


Lincoln squints and rubs his bleary eyes.

From under the duvet of a bunk bed, a bleary head briefly popped up.

Regulations that capped the working hours of bleary-eyed young doctors came just five years ago, limiting them to about 80 hours a week.

For us it took nearly 3 weeks before the bleary eyed zombie walk down the hall to the kitchen passed, but now that we've got the hang of it I know there's no turning back.

I arrived bleary-eyed and rumpled.

From under the duvet of a bunk bed, a bleary head popped up.

Mr Zou, whose age was not given, said he had lost his mobile phone the following day after passing in out in an illegal taxi that was taking him and three other bleary-eyed strangers home.

He stared at Leo with great bleary eyes.

Now, in research that will be embraced by millions of bleary-eyed Britons, scientists have worked out the secret of a good night's sleep.

She had bleary red eyes from lack of sleep.

They wake you up at seven o'clock next mooning and make you put on a negligee and serve you breakfast in bed, so that all the New York papers can come in and take your picture sitting in bed, while you're absolutely bleary-eyed from the night before

The next thing I know, I am lying on the floor of the bar, bleary and confused.

It's hard to force yourself out of bed when you wake up bleary-eyed, but one way to get up with ease is to prep your body to wake up at the same time feeling refreshed.