
Although ours has been so pure and poor That you can take them no great dowry.

And he thought that if I had college debt - a negative dowry - no one would want to marry me.

For families in poverty, marrying a daughter early can mean lower dowry payments and one less mouth to feed (Bhat, Sen, &Pradhan, 2005, p. 16).

The people of a vanishing atoll might somehow retain their rights even if they migrated en masse to another country, or merged with another state, bringing their entitlements as a sort of dowry.


Never will she measure his love by the dowry he give her

But now my daughter's grown and working. I only need to save up for the dowry, which is manageable.

When the water recedes, the people will, if they are lucky enough to have any, sell their cattle and their wives' ornaments, their dowry gold, to rebuild the watercourses and to level the fields.

I only need to save up for the dowry, which is manageable.

With her, they'd receive a dowry, they'd continue the family line, and they'd get an obedient daughter-in-law to serve them around the house.

Girls are prejudiced against largely because of the dowry system and inheritance practices tilted in favour of men.

I wonder if the dowry depends on tonnage?

Now the Europeans will try to woo the beautiful bride and her dowry of hydrocarbons back from Beijing.

If her son is also pleased, then the two families get together to talk about the dowry, the wedding ceremony, who they will hire to perform the marriage and other matters.