
Scorpio is sensual, passionate, demanding, jealous, inflexible.

God USES passionate people to further his kingdom.

I'm passionate about helping other people Build businesses online doing what they love while serving others.

Bill was so passionate about explaining his vision that he was leaping over the campfire.

An embargo persists only because its advocates are more passionate than its opponents, but that too is changing.

This could explain why Britain, a nation passionate about tea-drinking but where almost everybody adds milk to their cup, fails to make headway against cardiovascular disease.

When someone offers to cheers you, you shove your chair back and jump to your feet, grasping your own porcelain teacup of baijiu with both hands to show "reqing" (passionate friendliness).

For those of who are passionate about these things, Jobs and, by extension, Apple have literally had no idea what we want, why we would want it or how to deliver it to us.


He is a passionate angler.

Banish mediocrity and seek out the work you're passionate about.

The "no" and "yes" camps are not just passionate, they are diverse.

Insecurity usually Mars this relationship. This can be one extremely mawkish union. Unique, destructive, yet passionate and lustful resulting in impair and misgiving.

Your attitude changed far better than before and only then I knew it as the real you, a passionate, talkative and helpful man.

Based on a legend about the Goddess of the Luo River and inspired by Rhapsody on the Goddess,the poem depicts the captivating charms of a passionate and beautiful woman.

Q: Why are you so passionate about privacy?

Dick is a total hard-ass, but I have to say he's really passionate about what he does.

I was in the middle of my second of three songs, a passionate ballad, when I glanced up at John Grady, who was sitting behind his big desk.

It's very seductive and passionate.

But more businesses should consider using the help and support of passionate outsiders.

If we see technically, kissing takes a bit of coordination with your partner, but a passionate kiss lets you exchange some of the greatest pheromones, triggering a natural response from your mate.

So our hearts naturally craved the life-bringing shock of the passionate emotion in English literature.

Sir Ken robinson-author of "The element," a book on how to find work that you're passionate about-argues that your tribe is essential in helping you to find your element.

Specialty thrift stores have knowledgeable employees and passionate owners, so if you’re searching for something in particular, do a little research.

Be passionate about what you do.

Thankfully, all of our sponsors were clueful and spoke for themselves about things they were passionate about.