out of luck造句

We run out of luck.

Well, you're basically out of luck.

Mac users are out of luck for now.

The firm set of her jaw told me I was out of luck.

All other places are out of luck, and administration and territory have fallen to pieces.

I drilled him as representing in turn all sorts of people out of luck and suffering dire privations and misfortune.

If you're single, you're out of luck. That's another argument in our top 10 reasons to get married.

It may be fairer to say that, dealt a rotten hand, Mr Wagoner tried to do many of the right things, But ran out of luck and time.

I can hear you saying... "I thought some people were just born with it and the rest of us were out of luck!"

It's absolutely impossible for you to get dumb at this moment. There's no damage to its hair release device, and there's no sign of dampness in the minefield, so you're out of luck.

There's a problem for many fans, however: They want to watch Lang Lang's hands on the keyboard, and if they're not seated at the proper angle, they're out of luck.

dispirited; out of luck

You were basically out of luck.

If you're a veterinarian, you're out of luck.

The new comer answered: I am out of luck, I think.

Crashing, spitting out a "sorry, you're out of luck" message, or printing out a stack trace is not error handling. That is error reporting.

But you're out of luck if you want to encrypt your data or secure your password on an iPhone.

Now that you're out of luck, you're no longer an official, and there's nothing else I can give you. Why should I respect you again?

Beginners are out of luck, but experienced users learn the hard way that they can close the document, launch Windows Explorer, rename the file, return to the application, summon the Open dialog from the File menu, and reopen the document.

out of luck造句

You're out of luck.

Those who arrive on foot, however, are out of luck .

You are out of luck. He just left and he won't be back for two weeks.

Thus, if your second call depends on your first one finishing first, you may be out of luck.

If officials admit that his decision is really out of his own hands, rather than out of luck, then even if it is unfair, it can be absolutely obedient.

Hold your life, have money, can't stand people, everything is out of luck. It's not just people who have money, but people who do good and accumulate virtue. It's not that people are doomed to be abandoned without money. It's people who talk about three things and four things that make it easy to fall.

and lots of times he's kind of stood by me when I was out of luck."

Pissoirs are for men only; women are out of luck and should continue searching for a public toilet.

The other nurses said that I was out of luck, as it was really a hard work to nurse this sort of patients, what’s worse, their moan at midnight sounds like someone sobs in a chimney. It was horrible!

And if you're a veterinarian, you're out of luck.

When you are out of luck, use nonsense to measure a person, and knit to measure a group of people when you don't know.

Or is Hendrix, indeed, out of luck?

The reality is that fans of other browsers are simply out of luck if they want to use this operating system.

1.[Informal] to be out of luck; to be unlucky; to have bad luck; to be down on one's luck; profiteer by buying cheap and selling dear

Gone are the days when you spam the web with useless ads and expect people to buy into your message (unless you're a soulless pay-per-click jockey, you're out of luck).

Now that I'm out of luck, he's as cold as ice and doesn't care about me.