
A cohort survey of 412 nursing and medical students in Rwanda provided unique contingent valuation data.

The rate of treatment success in the 2002 DOTS cohort was 82% on averAge, unchanged since 2000.

Prospective cohort studies have shown no differences in effectiveness or acceptability between home-based and clinic-based medical abortion across countries.

Study area women were enrolled at 20-26 weeks' gestation in a prospective population-based cohort study that was conducted from 2003 to 2005.

A productive, healthy workforce could lift large parts of Africa out of poverty, but an expanding cohort of jobless, idle and frustrated young men will create political and social instability.


This social cohort is clearly intolerant of crime and of inflation.

Life expectancy was calculated for the study cohort, all Israelis, and the population of the Russian Federation.

They also pointed out that the Baby Boom generation, now beginning to retire, is the fattest cohort yet, which could significantly burden Medicare.

The final study cohort consisted of the 167 patients who had undergone both mammography and MRI before biopsy and who had received the final surgical pathology diagnosis of pure DCIS.

Age predicts an even more vulnerable cohort of soldiers, those who enlist in their late 20s.

For the cohort that started training on July 25th, the charity accepted only 15% of applicants, but nevertheless took on its largest group of graduates (770) in its nine-year history.

Throughout every single cohort, men are more eager to have children than women are.

Then, when I was on a sabbatical in Stockholm, I had the opportunity to get involved with the Swedish Twin Registry, a large cohort study in which some researchers were looking at cognition.

Treatment success in the 2003 DOTS cohort of 1.7 million patients was 82% on average, edging closer to the 85% target.

The gangster walked into the room surrounded by his cohort.

As a cohort of Asian founders leaves the scene, those in the east face the same test.