
He was vigorous, hardy, intelligent and straightforward.

Only a hardy man should enter the auto race.

But Mike Lizotte says a hardy bulb can stay in the ground all year.

The steep, treacherous slopes of Everest leave this only to the most hardy and fearless among us.

Above the troposphere, seen as a light blue band with white clouds, is the stratosphere, part of the Earth's atmosphere where airplanes fly and some hardy bacteria float.


Camels are tough and hardy creatures.

I have found them hardy, and hopefully they will reappear this summer.

Adapting real insects turns out to be simpler-their bodies accept implants easily, and they're hardy, fast and nimble.

Polynesian society blossomed in this unlikely locale after hardy souls somehow navigated a fleet of wooden outrigger canoes to this tiny speck in the vastness of the Pacific Ocean.

The hardy plant lived through the cold winter.

She hardy knew where she was, and did not hear Izz Huett tell her from below that her hair was tumbling down.

Strawberry is hardy and easy to grow in all soil.

Ah no, my hearers, the monument is made of hardy material, but the lie it tells will outlast it a million years.

The hardy geranium 'Johnson's Blue' is one of more flower-bearing.

Their children are remarkably hardy.

Fully hardy, it prefers an open, sunny site and requires moist but well-drained soil.