in absentia造句

She is tried and sentence to death in absentia.

Commencement Day, Joe was sick on bed the college gave him his bachelor's degree in absentia.

He has already been convicted in absentia on those charges, but he is entitled to a new trial under French law.

be awarded a degree in absentia

He was tried in absentia and sentenced to seven years in prison.

And, once again, Lovey thought of her first husband—his apple-flavored mouth, his kisses that could paralyze her with brutal desire, still, still, even in absentia.

Two foreign suspects will be tried in absentia.

A Serbian newspaper claims that Darko Saric, an alleged cocaine trafficker on trial in absentia, spent some of this year living in a luxury hotel on the Montenegrin coast.

Thaksin Shinawatra, a former prime minister of Thailand who has been sentenced to prison in absentia, was in Japan on a supposedly humanitarian mission.

in absentia造句

She be tried and sentence to death in absentia

On Commencement Day, John was sick in bed and the college gave him his bachelor's degree in absentia.