
It's such a nice, homey name.

It made the premises more homey and much less sterile.

We try to give every guest a warm and homey feeling.

I've been adding a lot of wooden pieces to it. I love Balinese style, so I'm making it really homey.

It will take me several hours to sort these last few difficult piles - but once I do, the workshop will be a homey place to pursue my hobbies.

Making Scents Photo by Help make her cubicle feel more homey with USB-powered aromatherapy. It comes in romantic rose, sexy jasmine, relaxing lavender and stimulating peppermint. USB Aromatherapy, $8

Most of the shops are kind of cluttered and homey.

They are very homey people, preferring a quiet night in to a party.

British - born American journalist known for his widely syndicated, homey rhymes, collected in books such as A Heap o'Livin'(1916.

He believes that most women already try to make their offices as homey as possible — and that even though men seem to be satisfied with plain, undecorated rooms, they appreciate office style, too.

My second flat was more homey than the first.

Spacewalking astronauts installed the new cupola in February 2010, adding a homey feel to the orbiting outpost.

Your apartment feels homey.

Objective To observe the clinically therapeutic effect of immersion bath combined with homey wards on late burn remnant wounds.


The hotel had a nice, homey atmosphere.

The wedding, beneath the June roses, was a simple, homey one, and the Bridal journey was only the walk from the March home to the dear little new house.

The wedding, beneath the June roses, was a simple, homey one.

In an effort to reassure passengers that the planes were safe and homey, the airlines consciously made their service different from that on trains.