
We're going to hitchhike to the vet.

Two men hitchhike towards Los Angeles a 1937 photo.

When money has a tangible value, a lot of emotional things hitchhike on its coattails .

"Snoopy," he said, tugging her floppy ears in the way she liked. "I think you're going to have to hitchhike."

This nonlinear change in friction force over a small change in velocity results in uncomfortable feeling when people hitchhike hydraulic lift.


We attempted to hitchhike across the country.

I go to the beach. Nobody gives me a hitchhike.

So yeah, don't bother hitchhiking, it probably won't work. But nobody's going to be tempting you to hitchhike anyways.

But when you look closely, you see that there are all kinds of emotional things that hitchhike on it as well.

When man goes to space, inevitably microbes hitchhike along.

So what I started to do on my time off was to hitchhike a ride down to the little town of Buxton.

It's very dangerous for females to hitchhike alone.

This occurs because the weakly stimulated synapse can steal or hitchhike on a set of proteins synthesized at or near the strongly stimulated synapse.

Her car broke down, so she had to hitchhike back home.

How do you hitchhike?

No parent who cared about their daughter would let her hitchhike.