
Most parents are anxious for their children's advancement.

The governance process establishes the criteria for advancement to the next milestone.

The premier also stressed cultural advancement and higher ethical standards in China, including higher credibility, integrity, tolerance, fraternity and morality.

Project proposals must demonstrate significant advancement in the field of wireless-related technology applied to social benefit use.

The confidence in scientific advancement, history shows, was justified, as well as, sadly, the expectation in the persistence of global strife.

Some in the American oil industry think this reflects a poor corporate culture at BP, in which personal advancement has depended more on cutting costs than on technical proficiency.


This is a manifestation of advancement of human civilization.

Schema systems are perhaps the area of XML enjoying the greatest technical advancement.

Successful individuals consistently seek advancement , while their less industrious contemporaries are merely content with the status quo.

This study supports open reduction and internal fixation of displaced olecranon fractures, rather than olecranon excision and triceps advancement, when technically feasible.

S: We don't have the same opportunities for advancement.

women's advancement not only brings integrity and happiness to women but also better life and joy to all.

The elements with national specific property, such as politics, economy, thoughts, culture and so on, have advancement and positiveness, but also have limitation, narrowness and negative.

Your advancement depends on your worth ——your ability.

People on the two continents have made indelible contributions to the advancement of human civilization and the promotion of world peace and development.

Why would you limit opportunities for their professional advancement and their individual “pursuit of happiness”?

"Way Back during the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods, the contention among the Hundred Schools of Thought created a favourable milieu for the advancement of science and technology."

In addition to consolidation, the DBMS industry saw considerable technical advancement by all the major vendors and some new players.

This article presents the recent advancement of research into cellular and molecular mechanism of sulfur mustard (sm) induced lesions and summarizes several hypotheses.