
Sung to the pot to find clues.

There are two categories of clues to a lie, thinking clues and emotional ones, she explained.

The IMF’s analysis of past housing cycles provides some clues.

They should have intense curiosity, observe events, analyze trends, seek the clues of change, and translate those clues into opportunities.

Researchers say these sensory clues, in adding to inner body changes, marking satiety.

Police in Florida are finding more clues as they investigate a mummified baby found in a suitcase.

Run a program next, see a system whether hint mistake, again track down by following clues goes solving.

The Hubble observations have added important clues to the story of this interacting foursome, allowing astronomers to determine when the encounter began and to predict a future merger.

Combining use of color in this way, with both left - and right-hand prompts, provides lots of visual clues which can improve your interaction.

About 20 percent to 30 percent reported some sort of childhood trauma, such as alcoholism in the family or a highly emotional mother, perhaps leading them to screen for emotional clues from childhood.

DAT Wang-shu's poetry presents us two clues: one is the line of thought that is from neglecting politics to throwing himself into it again; and another is the line of skill that is from rhyme symbolizing super actuality to half-rhyme.


Psychiatrists love 'nonverbal clues'.

He left some clues on the scene of the crime.

The police found clues to help them catch the robbers.

The results obtained provide us clues for further investigation of inducible GDO enzyme.

Some damages, such as pinch shocks and impact breaks, leave few clues on the outside, but plenty of evidence inside.

The clues are not hard to decipher: I cycle, Ihurt my arm recently, I do not take proper lunch breaks and my job involves scanning publications for ideas.

He makes a strange figure, teetering about his own ship on a leg made from a whale's jawbone, and seeking the prophetic mutterings of a harpoon crew member for clues on Moby Dick's location.

The artical bring to light the historical clues whose modern painting gradually move for abstract and reap life . It search after formlism and methodology to the incorporate of abstract art painting and point out that the way of moving for abstract are clour , composition and smiplification .

DIANA: we were just looking for clues.

Such percentages provide clues on how modern humans migrated and interbred.

Instead of approaching the humble courtyard immediately, they strolled the whole town inside and outside, but found no clues.

Comparing the cash flow data of business activities and that in the profit statement can also discover some meaningful analyzing clues.

After a few weeks, though, she asked for the newspaper, so that at least she could look at the puzzle, get its configuration, run her eyes along the clues.

These are clues to where you should be serving.

Shen Hao Fang could see the clues in her eyes, but he couldn't tell why.

If you sell a mobile phone, one of the vital clues that help solve the game may be delivered to one of the characters using one of your phones.

"Inheritance" is full of such clues.

It will give us some guiding clues to explore Zhang Jingyue's view of Mingmen to AIDS of middle-advanced stage.

There are some clues.

Accoring to the clues Ayumi providing, Conan catched up with the car using the skateboard Dr. Agasa giving him and stunned one of them.

Some of the quotations mentioning the lost books provide clues to their content.

After stage state police holds this clue, track down by following clues, found the Nuojiya about this penates secret eventually the exact clew of boss of mobile phone inn.

She searched about for clues to the mystery.