river basin造句

Strengthening legislation system for integrated river basin management of Yangtze

Seven major river basin in the country, the Taihu Lake, Huaihe River, Yellow River Basin are more than 70% of the river is polluted;

Cooperation of the riparian countries in international river basin--a case of the Red River

This paper applies the Visual GIS technology to the flying simulation of digital river basin. It is a case of the Heihe River Basin.

Relationship between extremes of precipitation and discharge in the Huaihe river basin

Based on CAS, we propose a new framework for the allocation of river basin water resources.

The lake basin sequence occurred in lake basin belonging to early stage of Xinlicheng basin's development and the alluvial sequence occurred in river basin belonging to later stage of that.

Big river basin is the Chongqing created national environmental model city need renovation in one of 14 subprime river, flows through our area 18.6 km.

The results indicate that the cascade hydropower development has significant impact on the vegetation environment in Qingjiang river basin.

The river basin is a golden basin harvested in a rainy season. Lujia's fortune has been running smoothly in recent years. It has long planned to expand its real estate, but it is hard to do so.

I think, no matter from that river basin, spring is warm and icy, spring water flows, spring water surges, bringing the vitality of nature.

Liao songs is distributed in Youjiang river, Hongshuihe river, Yongjiang river basin mainly.

Impacts of climate change on runoff in Shiyang river basin

The typical eco-damaged rivers within the river basin are the North Canal, Yongdinghe River and Weihe River.

Auto-adapted ability of river basin based on water and wand coordination atlas

The article analyzes characteristics of basin of sediment, sediment sources, sediment extended range changes, and sediment on the Liaohe of Liuhe. Liuhe river basin; sediment sources.

The tributary right XiaoHeiJiang River is the main pollutant source, so pollution control and harness in the river basin should be strengthened.

The application of the model in the daily runoff forecasting obtained better forecasting results in the Dadu river basin.

The feasibility of the model was verified by its application to a river basin for initial allocation of water right of the first hierarchy.

river basin造句

Agricultural industry structure optimization and countermeasure in Dongliao river basin

The enlightenment of Emscher river basin regularization model on Fen river regularization

Thinking on study of systemic financing plan for river basin planning

Through practices at home and abroad, the opportunity is mature to realize the unified dispatching in river basin.

The upper reaches of Bahe river basin is situated in the south of the Dabie mountains area. Its soil and water loss are the most serious of all the Bahe basin.

In this paper, a method for finding local optima of location of wastewater treatment plants in a river basin is presented.

Research on Heightening Water Use Rate on River Basin Scale in Chinese InlandExperiment and demonstration of water-ecology-economy management in the Heieh river basin;

The disaster flood in the middle and lower plain of the Yangtze river basin can be qualitatively classified as 2 kinds: basin flood and regional flood.

Zhangye district, situated in the middle-reaches of the Heihe river basin, plays a principal part in the economy of whole basin and is the biggest user of water.

Hongshui river is the main stream of Xijiang river system of Pearl river basin. Its yearly runoff accounts for 39% of Pear river basin.

Flood control planning should be subject to the comprehensive planning of a certain river basin or region.

The whole river basin is covered with tropical forest .

Regional flood control planning should be subject to the flood control planning for a certain river basin.

The design and implementation of spatial data warehouse for Songhua river basin water resources management

Survival International, which lobbies for tribal people's rights, says the livelihood and culture of 200, 000 people in the Omo river basin could be ruined by Gibe III.

Emperor Daxing Civil Engineering, flooded the Yellow River Basin and other river basins to develop intensive cultivation.