
Sir, this is an unwarranted invasion of my privacy!

The invasion of the emerald ash borer was first discovered near Detroit, Michigan, in2002.

After the war, an invasion of economists gave operations research new scope and vitality.

The bombing was one of the most deadly in Kabul since the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.

I traveled to France in 1993 to tour the beaches and write about the 50th anniversary of the D-day invasion.

IT is not the invasion of Normandy, but by peacetime standards the flotilla stationed about 65km (40 miles) off the Louisiana coast is a mightily impressive one.

The Work does not infringe the copyright, trademark, publicity rights, common law rights or any other right of any third party or constitute defamation, invasion of privacy or other tortious injury to any third party.

Addressing a rally in Chicago's Federal Plaza in October 2002, Obama delivered a stunning denunciation of the planned invasion, at a time when such a stance was not popular nationally.

WHAT he calls “eerie parallels” are drawn by Evan Thomas between America's invasion of Cuba in 1898 and its invasion of Iraq in 2003.

This does not vindicate the American invasion, which unleashed chaos and strife.

Russia has made perfunctory attempts to justify the invasion. It claimed that it was defending Russian citizens.

Caught off guard by the invasion, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin instructed the Russian people to" scorch the earth" in front of the German invaders.

In the aftermath of America's 2001 invasion of Afghanistan, Pakistan arrested over 600 al-Qaeda fugitives, but did nothing about the Taliban, who poured into Baluchistan and the tribal areas.


Publishing is a terrible invasion of my privacy.

The Hussein dynasty will not -- as it would have, absent the U.S. invasion -- rebuild, rearm and threaten the world.

In the present case, the resection specimen definitely showed islands of metaplastic bone superficial to the muscularis propria, thus excluding sacral invasion.

Spread over extensive grounds, it had been neglected for years: the grass was shoulder high and the wards almost bare of furnishings (much of it had been looted after the US invasion).

At that time the government was unwilling to resist the foreign invasion.

Don't look too horrified, but we're about to have a great season for house spiders. So why not turn your home's arachnid invasion into a game?

The next step in Russia's invasion script, of disinformation and annexation, is regime change.

Until then, I thought the man was a neighbor or acquaintance here to borrow a utensil, but the exchange made me realize we were in the middle of a home invasion.

These most important events are The Anglos-Saxons' invasion; The Viking and Danish Invasions and The Norman Conquest.

They are determined to resist invasion.

Both eosinophilia and basophilia may be seen in response to systemic allergic reactions and invasion of tissues by parasites.