
You must stop imagining that posterity will vindicate you.

Those who were responsible for the operation now seemed desperate to vindicate their judgment in the face of overwhelming criticism.

And that may very well vindicate the decision of two U.S. presidents to make sure that GM didn't go out of business.

Whether the shareholder's consent is an effective consent of victim and effective enough to vindicate the criminal indictments, specific conditions require concrete analyses.

The only verdict is vengeance, a vendetta held as a votive not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.

What you want to achieve here is not perfect code, but to vindicate your idea.

These thought embodies the idea of great national unity to vindicate the control of the Zhou Dynasty.

Indeed, Darwin's Origin of -species by Means of Natural Selection, -published in 1859, seemed to vindicate Tennyson's adage from 20 years -earlier, of "nature red in tooth and claw".


The 2010 harvest did not seem to vindicate his judgment.

China, a rapidly developing country in economy, should follow the trends of economic globalization and adopt effective measures to vindicate the country's economic security.

He tried hard to vindicate his honor.

The stubbornly poor economic numbers vindicate calls for a slower pace of austerity , says the Labour opposition, led by Ed Miliband.

The development of national area is significant to vindicate mother country's unification, social stabilization and realize countrywide modernization.

And so it is necessary to reform and perfect the civil action retrial procedure of our country in order to vindicate the rights and interests of the agent better.

This does not vindicate the American invasion, which unleashed chaos and strife.