
However, prior to construction, the project had undergone more than 20 years of feasibility studies.

Since then he has undergone weeks of treatment as well as chemotherapy, infections, spinal taps and other painful procedures.

While standards of morality | have undergone a change | in recent years, it is still important to a girl | that a fellow have good morals.

He then told me of the time he had undergone kidney surgery and, not trusting the anesthesiologist, had put himself in that state for the duration of the operation.

The final study cohort consisted of the 167 patients who had undergone both mammography and MRI before biopsy and who had received the final surgical pathology diagnosis of pure DCIS.

The modernization level of weaponry and equipment has undergone constant improvement.

Others may have undergone, or may still be liable to them — we “bear a charmed life”, which laughs to scorn all such sickly fancies.

In the past decade, however, the trust has undergone a cultural revolution, adapting to a country from which deference had vanished as surely as liveried footmen or dressing for dinner.


She also has several troubles. She has undergone treatment for lymph cancer.

Objective To evaluate the plastic effect of the custom-made thin artificial eyes for the patients having undergone intraorbital implantation or conjunctival covering procedure.

Since then, the Venezuelan economy has undergone a transformation.

Some of the infected British patients had travelled to India for kidney or bone marrow transplants, dialysis, pregnancy care or burns treatment, while others had undergone cosmetic surgery.

Many of her friends have undergone double eyelid surgery which, through incision and suture, adds a crease on the eyelid.

"I had been injured in both legs and had undergone an operation in which part of a bone in one leg was used to replace the shattered bone in the other. So I was unable to stoop," he said.

In countries such as Somalia, Egypt and Guinea, over 95% of women have undergone some version of it.