
Experimental Research on Flow in the Efflux Element of the Hydro-efflux Hammer with PIV;

Contracture occurs when the efflux of calcium is prevented by removing the extracellular sodium.

Expression of active efflux pump AdeABC and AdeIJK involved in 22 clinical multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii strains

One might anticipate that calcium efflux, like that of sodium, is mediated by an ATP-dependent pump.

Six drug efflux genes detected in a multi-drug resistant strain of Escherichia coli isolated from urine of a patient with urinary retention

In a previous study, researchers at Penn have demonstrated that measuring HDL efflux capacity may be a more effective barometer of protection from heart disease than measuring HDL levels alone.

Effect of PPARα activation on cholesterol efflux in hippocampal neuron

Effects of berberine on cholesterol efflux in THP-1 macrophage derived foam cells

In the second study, the researchers measured HDL efflux, which is the ability of a patient's HDL to remove cholesterol from cells involved in atherosclerosis.

The resistance to quinolones in clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is due to the mutations of two types of topoisomerase plus efflux pump.

Cellular cholesterol efflux is the limiting step of reverse cholesterol transport. ABCA 1 mediates reverse cholesterol transport by promoting cellular cholesterol efflux.

It also introduces the characteristic of abradant efflux cutting, the construction of cutting equipment and material supply system.

grout-flow cone efflux time

Schima superba stem CO_2 efflux and its relations to xylem sap flux density a nd xylem CO_2 concentration.


The efflux rate increases greatly.

The rate constants of leucocyte ~(22)Na efflux were determined in patients with essen tial hypertension and some of their normotensive offsprings.

Application of Pharmaceutical Technique to Inhibiting P-glycoprotein-mediated Drug-efflux

Analysis on distribution and the status of the active efflux systems genes,adeABC and adeIJK in clinical isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii