
The criminal faced segregation for unfixed periods.

Lashing cargo gear, main anchor, spare anchor, gangway, lifeboat & life raft and all the thing unfixed on deck.

He would have risen, and unfixed her fingers by the act — she clung fast, gasping: there was mad resolution in her face.

I'm not sure what the perfect solution for an unfixed lifestyle is.

But economic history is littered with examples of fixed exchange rates that came unfixed; the disuniting of currency unions, though rarer, happens from time to time.

A new channel controlled mode for the cordless telephone (cyclic unfixed channel assignment with a half channels) is proposed.


Their new discovery unfixed all established notions.

Transportation is very convenient in Dalian. It is a water, land and sea transportation hub, with several domestic airline routes and unfixed international tourism routes.

Standard for unfixed equipment isolation technique