
Rows of squat warehouses roofed in corrugated steel or terra-cotta tile front sewage-choked waterways.

Proponents of squat toilets make all kinds of claims for their benefits, according to SLATE.

Two shadowy figures, one hunched and squat, the other lean and menacing, both of them Olympic grade lurkers.

Basically you squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, then jump up as high as you can, and repeat. (Video.)

Cold November rains drenched the earth and lent everything the gloomy air of a Flemish landscape: the ground crew ran gear, a flag atop a squat airport building, a BMW billboard.


The squat pen rests; as snug as a gun.

If you're in the desert, you may have no choice but to squat behind a tree or a bush.

Hired to translate German mystery novels into French, for example, she made a point of transforming their tall, blond heroes into squat, dark-haired gnomes with fleshy noses.

Today, 1.2 billion people squat because they simply don't have a toilet, while many, many more in Asia, the Middle East, and parts of Europe use toilets designed specifically for squatting.

2Single leg squat To build strength, encourage good hip/knee alignment, and improve proprioception.

To do a squat to biceps curl, you start with your feet about shoulder-width apart, spine straight and your core stable.

It's not hard to make friends when you squat on a terrasse twelve hours a day.

Have you heard of the Asian squat? It's when the squatter keeps their heels firmly planted on the ground instead of rising up on their toes.

The Census of Marine Life has found a new species of squat lobster off the southwestern coast of Australia.

Too tired to sit? Or squat?

The short, squat man in the Dallas Cowboys windbreaker staggers out from the arcade, propping himself against the wall.