
Stand with the feet together and clasp your hands to the chest (Anahata Chakra).

Also My Beloveds you can incorporate your Chakra System cleaning and calibration into this daily clearing exercise.

Throat Chakra: The throbbing in it can cause a very mild choking feeling, because of the sensitive area it is in.

因為他的英勇氣概和純爺們兒表現,他被授予了ParamVir Chakra,印度最高的*事獎勵

Now, bring the energy down your body, through your feet and into the Earth Star Chakra beneath your feet.

And this, also made by Leonardo Da Vinci, is the Chakra collector that Ben Shuai said before, which is said to be absorbed from this mouth.

Then, move the energy upwards and into the Crown Chakra and then the Soul Star Chakra.

The bag is quite delicate. Does the Chakra transfer device seem to have not been found yet?


Then at the Solstice of 2010 we activated the Soul Star Chakra and the Earth Star Chakra, allowing you to fully ground and integrate these new energies.

The Root Chakra is associated with the element of earth, and reflects something about the person's association with the earth, or how they feel about being on the earth, which we call Mother earth.

For his gallantry and sheer ballsiness, he was awarded the Param Vir Chakra, India's highest military award.

This was the activation of the Crown Chakra, with the Solar, Galactic and Cosmic Centers, allowing you to begin to experience the full connection of Multidimensionality.