somewhere around造句

You see a Victory Column somewhere around here?

The envelope must be on a trail somewhere around Tillicum Village.

I then select the "brush Tool", choose a white paint color, select a soft brush at the top, and lower the opacity to somewhere around 10%.

Across the world, people in their 40s generally claim to be less happy than those who are younger or older, and the global happiness nadir appears to hit somewhere around 44.

It cost somewhere around two thousand dollars.

THE place was called Cronin’s Yard, and it was somewhere around here — it had to be.

We moved out through the back of these positions somewhere around dawn, and stopped to refuel near a column of burnt out HETs.

Now bring the hard mix jpeg in on a new layer, and change the blending mode to overlay and take the fill down to a low number, somewhere around 30.

We all know who's in first place with Apple, the last time I checked, chugging along with somewhere around 10%.

And indeed the illegitimacy rate among blacks is somewhere around 70 percent and back in the ’40s it couldn’t have been more than 13 or 12 percent, something like that.

As we do business on the basis of mutual benefit, I suggest somewhere around 270 Francs per metric ton F. O. B. Marseilles.

The spinning wheel was invented somewhere around ten thousand years ago or even earlier.

They are hoping to see 33GW-worth of maritime windmills (somewhere around 5, 000 turbines in all) built over the next 11 years.

somewhere around造句

The price is somewhere around $800.