
The missile had blown the battleship asunder.

The ship was blowing [blown] towards the rocks.

The fighting may develop into a full blown war.

Vargas pulled out his gun. Crack! The snake was blown to pieces.

The argument among the two parties was blown up by the press.

May the wind will you black hair blown white, it will be your children may miss back.

A lee shore is land that is downwind of the boat (and thus is a danger if the boat is blown or drags anchor).

Adverts for the new "Ladies" vodka show the elegant, violet-tinted bottle wearing a pleated white skirt which is blown upwards to reveal the label.

The tension has been worsened by incendiary text messages, such as one that falsely said a Busload of Luo women and children had been blown up by Kikuyus in western Kenya.

You may keep your hair short, but you still get it cut, and colored, and blown out -- not to mention the obligatory mani-pedi -- with far greater frequency than the minivan gets an oil change.

The wind must have blown it over.

His abilities have been greatly blown up by the newspapers.

Ted behaved as if he lived in a full-blown communist society.

I can't explain such a statement by him on the basis of logic. He must have blown his top.

The textbook stuff - elaborate carrot, expensive stick - had been blown away by a newspaper together with the mass collaboration of total strangers on the web.

Hawking is entitled to his views, and perhaps the media has blown it out of proportion, but this is only the latest grand statement Hawking has made to ignite a media frenzy.

The door was blown to.

Most volcanic eruptions in recorded history have blown skyward.

"We're walking over a mine field. At any moment you may be blown to pieces!"

The stuffing is usually blown into the stuffed toy by a machine, but the insertion point is closed by hand.

Such stellar behemoths, however, light up the M17 nebula at the image's centre and have also blown a huge "bubble" in the gas and dust that forms M17's luminous left edge.

It seems that you've blown a fuse.

The boy was almost blown in half as the pressure ripped open his waist and sent him flying.

At the other end of the street is a brightly coloured mall with its Windows blown out but a hole in the wall already mended.

His bicycle was blown over by the wind.

On older monitors, there is a fuse located on the power supply circuit inside of the monitor case that might have blown.

Matter from the corona is blown off as the solar wind.


The cap was blown off.

But he could also find his administration blown off-course or even swept aside by popular outrage.

A blown fuse in north London delayed trains for over an hour. The night before, travellers on another line had been stranded for six hours, thanks to broken power cables.