
Some financial experts claim there's a difference between cost savings and cost avoidance.

Meanwhile, the two countries should sign agreements on investment protection, avoidance of double taxation, etc at an early date.

Some people don't point their searchlights at the other side of the case much, for many reasons - entrenched ideas, avoidance of what might be disturbing, simple haste.

According to her report, super savers delay gratification, have no impulse Buys, have an absolute avoidance of debt, automate their savings, and are flexible.

Questioner: You have said that if one is facing a precipice, or a deadly snake about to strike, intelligence dictates a certain action, which is an action of avoidance.

Accident avoidance is the most-obvious example, but there are others.

Both Guldner and Stafford see greater conflict avoidance in long-distance relationships and a tendency to idealize a faraway partner.

But faking it lets you avoid talking about your true needs and isn't faking of any kind an avoidance of intimacy?


This aids in the avoidance of interference from other potentially competing metals.

The benefits of GC to application development — including pointer safety, leak avoidance, and freeing developers from needing to write custom memory-management tooling — are well documented.

They can be used for collision detection or avoidance.

For problems cast as social contracts or as questions of risk avoidance, by contrast, non-psychopaths got it right about 70% of the time.

Beyond such pragmatic reasons, there are also principled grounds for focusing on the avoidance of violence before adding other demands.

When DB2 does not have an index in the appropriate order for sort avoidance or when DB2 USES any index the LIST PREFETCH way, then an order BY will most certainly cause a data sort.

After all, corporate tax avoidance is as American as apple pie and... well, peanut butter and jelly.