
Once the money got into the book, all that remained were some scribbling.

Ever wonder just what your doctor is furiously scribbling down in her notes as she examines you?

The machine is widely applied to transparent film 3D automatic packages in bulk poker, sachima, newspaper stick, scribbling paper, wafer biscuit and other related bulk things.

THE credit crisis was kind to the reputation of John Maynard Keynes, whose scribbling s from over 70 years ago inspired practical men of action to fight the recession with uninhibited stimulus.

No scribbling is allowed on the wall.

In a rehearsal studio students sit in quiet concentration, scribbling on large pieces of paper spread out across the floor.

He showed up in his new office in Santa Monica, near Los Angeles, and with his small team started scribbling ideas on the "whiteboard" wallpaper.

You have imagined, probably, a huge underworld of conspirators, meeting secretly in cellars, scribbling messages on walls, recognizing one another by codewords or by special movements of the hand.

Some writers also use scrap paper for scribbling notes, and reference CARDS or post-its to track story ideas.

Much is the scribbling of vandals who have broken in and scrawled, “We woz ’ere”, in the barbarian tongue of viruses, not yet erased by nature’s librarian, natural selection.

Perhaps the struggling journalist invokes the saint with a faint, wistful hope that he too will be as useful to his scribbling descendants in a couple of generations.

"Yes Sir," Dalleson busied himself scribbling notes on a little pad.

His wife had him hospitalised; upon his release, he became a familiar figure around the Princeton campus, talking to himself and scribbling on blackboards.


I tested the pen by scribbling on scrap paper.