
To cause(someone) to judge prematurely and irrationally.

Some feel lonely and depressed, while others may become irrationally anxious or guilty.

Grocery shopping might seem like a mundane, mechanical activity, but look around next time you're in the store: Despite our best intentions, we buy food impulsively and irrationally.

This was indeed the essence of Chernshevsky's position— that“ rational egoism,“ once accepted, would so enlighten man that the very possibility of his behaving irrationally, that is, contrary to his interests, would entirely disappear.

Foolishly or irrationally stubborn;headstrong.

There is now widespread acceptance that investors can behave irrationally, creating very large anomalies.

However, capital from the rural has been flowing to cities through several channels irrationally, which has limited the development of the rural.

I have packed inadequately, assuming that early fall would be much warmer in Germany than in New York, which I always think of, irrationally, as the coldest place on earth from October to late March.

To behave or cause to behave irrationally and uncontrollably. Often used with out.

Then-Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan's decision not to prick the technology bubble in 1998 or 1999 led to irrationally high stock prices, which then collapsed to irrational lows.

Greed is the reason why people made irrationally risky investment in subprime mortgage assets.

Don't act wilfully and irrationally, and destroy happiness with your own hands.

How does your character act? Is he irrationally, overemotional, and reactive? Does he have low self-esteem and believe himself to have little self-worth?


Is he irrationally, overemotional, and reactive?