
Over that period the heft of emerging economies has increased dramatically.

But an application server processes many users' input with a single program, dramatically improving performance.

If the errant husband has the divorce filed in Texas, the tables are turned even more dramatically.

But God loves us so much that he acted dramatically to save us from the punishment we deserve.

There has been a notable rise in women players, and the number of polo clubs across the UK has increased dramatically in the past decade.

And if the number of autism diagnoses has risen dramatically, so too will the number of teenagers who reach this tentative place: ready to leave the cocoon, but not quite ready for the world.

If the United States fails to confront the implications of this growth properly the potential for religiously motivated violence across the globe may increase dramatically over the next century.


Those calculations could change dramatically if the nuclear crisis worsens.

She is able to modulate and manage her emotional life in a dramatically better way.

If crop yields are to match the rise in population, then some of them will have to go up dramatically.

Prices for steel across the globe have been rising dramatically, doubling in some cases, as costs of iron ore, coal and other raw materials have increased.

Brown said that European Banks are dramatically undercapitalized, putting them in danger of running out of cash and going bankrupt if investors demand their deposits at the same time.

The serum AST and bilirubin were elevated dramatically during acute rejection.

What is being promised is a set of scientific lessons and laws that can dramatically increase your odds of success.

He was dramatically proved right: the anti-electron was soon discovered experimentally, and shortly after the concept of "anti-matter" became a cornerstone of physics.

This improves the speed of your builds dramatically.

As the landscape dramatically transforms from desert to wetland, nature bursts into life and visitors begin to arrive in the area.

Diabetes monitors and pacemakers have improved dramatically in the past 20 years and have fallen in price-but costs have gone up because they are now being used by more patients.

The average age at which girls start puberty fell dramatically over the 20th century: While the average is now 12, although the average is now levelling off.

With political support from the government, outreach activities can dramatically improve vital event registration rates, especially in disadvantaged populations.

In the past, she says, the Senate has overhauled its rules dramatically only when under immense popular pressure, or when a big bipartisan majority gets fed up with the chamber's slow pace.

It grows dramatically because of this global trade in the seventeenth century.