
This is despite saying categorically that any new reactors will have to survive without subsidy.

He wants to shrink the weighty state subsidy that Whitehall gives to Northern Ireland.

Under Mr Ryan's scheme, future retirees would have to take out private insurance plans, helped by a government subsidy.

Resigned workers who resettle elsewhere may be paid a resettlement subsidy in a lump sum equivalent to two months their standard wage.

Although the subsidy reforms are supposed to hand control over prices from the government to the market, the trend is towards more government interference in citizens' lives.

The subsidy of 45 cents per gallon remains.

Thus a kerosene subsidy can at least claim to be progressive as well as expensive.

Since this interest rate was higher than the bank could charge on loans, a government subsidy was necessary.

Unless that happens, then because the firm's sales will not have risen, the firm's participating in the job-subsidy program will reduce its profits (revenue minus cost).


But in that case is a subsidy needed?

If a big business happens to be increasing its hiring or its wages, why wouldn't it claim the subsidy?

Thus, in O'Bannon v. Town Court Nursing Center, 447 U.S. 773 (1980), the Court held that patients at a subsidized nursing home had no right to participate in proceedings to revoke the home's Medicaid certification and terminate its subsidy.

By cutting a ruinous subsidy on paddy fertiliser, for example, he lost the votes of many peasant farmers.

The rest might be used for shopping malls and housing for India's swelling middle classes-hardly justification for a subsidy, let alone for occupying the ancestral lands of poor farmers.

Almost immediately after the expiration of the government's tax credit for homebuyers, it became clear that American housing market stability had been remarkably dependent on the generous subsidy.

But government subsidy is a wobbly foundation on which to build a business.

Public investment in agriculture has stagnated over the past few years as the government's subsidy bill for food, fertiliser and fuel has risen.