
garden plant whose capsule discloses when ripe a mass of seeds resembling a blackberry.

In the 9th century he designed a winged apparatus, roughly resembling a bird costume.

Other monsters include Gamera, a giant turtle, and the absurd Varan the Unbelievable, a large reptile resembling a flying squirrel.

Mrs Dean raised the candle, and I discerned a soft-featured face, exceedingly resembling the young lady at the Heights, but more pensive and amiable in expression.

Cat whisker a fine metal thread resembling the arched shape of a cat's whisker used in early radio wave detecting crystal sets.

Products so far include an ice-cream flavor called Yes Pecan (a play on Obama's "Yes We Can" slogan) and a pair of new dolls (see photo) resembling the first daughters.


It is something resembling this structure in configuration or pattern.

a game resembling tennis but played on a table with paddles and a light hollow ball.

It’s a very interesting place resembling one of those post-apocalyptic landscapes of “Stalker”, especially in cloudy or foggy weather.

The iceberg next to them, and others along the left and right edges of the image, have mottled surfaces resembling druzy.

Characteristic of or resembling spring.

Another functional, yet aesthetically effective household product, resembling a sculpture to add flair to your garden or rooftop.

Dubbed the Ice Palace, the new cave lacks giant pillars, but sparkles with rare crystal formations, including minerals resembling cauliflower and fiber-optic-like filaments.

A benign cystic lesion resembling a tumor, occurring in a tendon sheath or joint capsule.

The pavilion, resembling a huge blue and white porcelain container, depicts the peculiar charm of Jiangxi as home to a myriad of talents and natural resources.

If you venture into anything resembling journalism, I hope you’ll be more honorable than that crowd.

Then, French officials reported the same day that a ship "resembling" the Arctic Sea had been spotted off the Cape Verde islands, west of Senegal, though there was no immediate confirmation.

However, the gods of Olympus are politicking super-egoistic lords, resembling warring demi-gods or asuras more closely instead.

A highway interchange at which two highways, one crossing over the other, have a series of entrance and exit ramps resembling the outline of a four - leaf clover and enabling vehicles to proceed in either direction on either highway.