
family of perennial aromatic herbs: genera Saururus; Anemopsis; Houttuynia.

genus of perennial North American herbs with aromatic usually cormous roots.

Tropical west African evergreen tree bearing pungent aromatic seeds used as a condiment and in folk medicine.

Suddenly, I began to hear the sound of my favorite aria. I could sense the aroma of a familiar aromatic substance.

Hook, and it has a-pinene, a -cedrene, a-terpineol, B-caryophyllene oxide etc,they have strongly aromatic- muskiness-perfume. It was designed to toilet powder, puff cake and rouge in cosmetics and soap, it has been to append fantastic essence by directly application.

Sage is an aromatic plant in the lamiaceae family cultivated particularly in southern Europe.

They found that it was composed of various aromatic compounds and sulfides in addition to large quantities of carbon.

There's also concern that fat dripping from meat onto hot coals, stones or burners creates additional carcinogens called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.


Direct alkoxylation of aromatic compounds is virtually unknown.

The region has an abundance of spice and has, in the past, given the world - pepper, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon and many other aromatic herbs.

ZHOU:Gatherer of aromatic plants

Convinced that the camellia tisane was not dangerous, he took a sip of it and found that it tasted refreshing: aromatic, slightly bitter, stimulating, and restorative.

A tablet containing aromatic substances that is burned to fumigate or deodorize the air.

Some of the culinary herb tea mixtures sold in the US are flavor enhanced with volatile oils or other aromatic ingredients that make a tastier drink but don't add healing benefit.

It is light, ,fruity aromatic and a perfect choice for ending a meal.