
Death, where is your sting?

But the news from Colorado has a particular sting.

Reliever for Burns - Burns sting and are prone to infection.

Bee and wasp both sting, but they have other similarity, too.

"He is a client of mine," the doctor said. "I am treating his child for a scorpion sting."

Had it been here the reader could have seen with what consummate generosity Bankim Babu had taken the sting out of that unfortunate episode.

The true, bleak worldview of satire would have demanded the abortion of one character's fetus as a final sting and judgment.

It is essential to the fish forming one of nature's great teams with the sea anemone - they are dependent on each other to survive and the slime protects the Clownfish from the anemone's sting.

Peppers sting the tongue.

There's always a sting in his words.

Feeling the sting in Tu Wei-yueh's remarks, Wu Sun-fu forced a smile;

“It’s been used, progressive bee-sting therapy, ” Don says. “When you get stung, your body produces cortisol.

You don't get to reap the rewards of your efforts, and you might not even feel the sting of your mistakes.

Capable of injecting venom from the end of their sting even after they have died, it is a popular question faced by entomologists - what are wasps actually good for?


Most flies do not sting.

When you slice an onion, it makes your eyes sting.

It had taken a piece out, and the sting of it reminded him of why he was there.

"Zhang, who clearly relishes his reputation for success, would appear to still feel the sting of that very public failure," the cable concluded.

Bubba: Naw, just a scorpion sting.

The worst case scenario from a penny dropped from a great height is a slight sting.

If you form a rapport with a retailer, the store will look after you over the years, even helping you to upgrade or trade-in watches while reducing the sting of depreciation.

It would seem, therefore, that malice not only carries a sting of its own. Compared with accidental pain, the sting also lasts longer.

Yet just as divorce law in most countries now strongly encourages mediation rather than courtroom battles, new for ms of collaborative drafting aim to take the sting out of premarital negotiations.

We produce tears in response to insults to the eyes — the sting of onion fumes, a tiny insect that flew into your cornea.

Words are like bees, they have honey and a sting.

Their lethal sting has been felt in villages and hamlets across the Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA).