The Vacuum Protection and Control System for the XAFS Beamline at the HLS

In this paper, the simulation methods and results of ion-trapping instability using strong-strong model were introduced for the HLS ring.



Development of a Split Photon Beam Position Monitor for HLS

The RF direct sampling scheme is used in HLS digital TBF system, and simplifies the electronics circuits and saves the cost for tuning and maintaining.

Development of BPM Chamber Displacement Monitor in HLS

With the development of VLSI technology, it is necessary to design chip under the help of HDL (Hardware Design Language) and HLS (High-Level Synthesis).

Research on the Beam Loading Effects and RF System of HLS Storage Ring;

Harvard Law school (also known as Harvard Law or HLS) is one of the professional graduate schools of Harvard University, and is among the most prestigious institution of legal education in the world.

Measurement of bunch length and energy spread for single bunch in HLS