
An explosive mixture, such as gunpowder.

The soldiers exploded the gunpowder under the bridge.

The barrel of gunpowder blew up with a loud noise

With the advent of gunpowder, Musketeers became the mainstay of European armies.

Unless the ingredients are put together in just the right proportions, the gunpowder explodes when ignited.

The Four Great Inventions in ancient China, paper, printing, compasses and gunpowder, greatly advanced the ancient civilization of the world.

'Alexandre Manette,' said Defarge in his ear, following the letters with his swart forefinger, deeply engrained with gunpowder.

The faint smell of gunpowder from the firecrackers drifted across the canal, and more people watched the bustle along the river.

Every time a natural disaster occurs, the people's children and soldiers will appear in the special battlefield without smoke of gunpowder to save people's lives for the first time.

"When the trigger was pulled, a spring action caused the frizzen (striker) to strike the flint, showering sparks onto the gunpowder in the priming pan; the ignited powder, in turn, fired the main charge in the Bore, propelling the Ball."

One Western army veteran wrote that when his unit was out of provisions and forced to devour the mules one-by-one, a bit of extra flavor could be added to the unseasoned meat by burning the mule steaks on the outside and sprinkling gunpowder over them.

a smell of gunpowder penetrated the woods.

the backward escape of unburned gunpowder after a shot.

Small cavity for gunpowder in the lock of an old type of gun

What's more, the fuel needed to propel a rocket did not exist at that time, some were only gunpowder, and the use of gunpowder could not control its explosive power.

According to tradition, gunpowder was invented in China in the 9th century and by the 11 century it was already in use for firing cannon.

The light smoke lingered between his fingers, rising slowly and dispersing, making the air around him full of strong gunpowder flavor.

Poverty alleviation is a war without smoke of gunpowder. Whether this war can succeed or not is closely related to the Party, the country and the individuals, especially the groups at the bottom of the society.


China invented gunpowder thousands of years ago.

A container or case for carrying gunpowder or shot.

It is said that the southwest part of Jinghai county is not soil, but also the face of gunpowder.

We just knew that the Jordans had the best raspberries in the neighborhood, and that their bushes were always heavy with fruit.

The cellar lay directly underneath the House of Lords, and over the following months 36 barrels of gunpowder were moved in, enough to blow everything and everyone in the vicinity sky high, if ignited.

In the world, gunpowder arrows made earlier by gunpowder were first produced in Kaifeng.

I was transported to the scene of the old battle, with gunpowder smoke everywhere.

The power of the gun depended on how much gunpowder the hunter put into more powder,the stronger the gun would shoot.

The gunpowder went off unexpectedly.

When the wilhelmus came to an end the spark was only a few feet from the gunpowder;

While crossing the twelve battalions in the Kangxi War in Gardan, the remains of the battalion were still there, and the fort was still there. Although the smoke of gunpowder faded away, it seemed as if the sound of the killing of Xiaohan had been heard.

The sightseeing bus stops at every scenic spot and lets the visitors get off for sightseeing. After seeing enough, the next sightseeing bus in the transfer cycle goes to the next scenic spot.

It's like a war without gunpowder, revealing the intriguing smell everywhere.

Rich family background and the businessman’s family exert an uplifting influence on.Seize the wealth in the smoke of gunpowder of flames of war,seek stimulating in taking risks,always enjoy

usually made of metal, for gunpowder of blasting powder.