
I heard a door clank shut.

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For thousands of years, the hero is full of poems. Like clank, clanging, sonorous and positive, ambitious.

In the summer of 1689 Russian and Manchu delegations met at Nerchinsk. The Russians were encouraged to retreat by "the clank and clamour" of 15,000 Manchu troops.

Goat of the night: Peja Stojakovic didn't clank a corner jumper off the side of the backboard in crunch time, as he did when he was with the Kings, but he didn't exactly distinguish himself in Game 7.

There was a metallic clank.

I heard the clank of buckets as the farm workers went to milk the cows.

just one set of double doors away from berry's office are the whir, clank, cha-ching and other industrial music put out by the eight slinky machines.

The horse does not stop running, so the horse does not stop feeling of disappointment, I was close to the wind again and again the man, again and again the clank of feathers and back.


The gate shut with a dull clank.

The hero in her novels have not only the clank of lofty character, but also tender passion.

I like the fall of the remnant of the autumn, without the strong colors of summer, beautiful flower bud early disappeared, the residual lotus only clank, leaving the autumn wind, autumn and rain to tear the earth, it still stands in the water center.

Shouldn't we let the earth destroyed, let human perish? We can't eye clank of looking at the earth destroy?

One thousand years without death, one thousand years without death, but one thousand years of immortality. Three thousand years of poplar, one hundred million years of history. The clank is cast for thousands of years, unyielding quality ten thousand years of praise.

Yes, they are arrogant, and they did not cover up the arrogance, no posturing, but with their heads held high clank stand, proud and frankly people's eyes to bear.

The clank of metal upon stone.

The battlefield was silent. The only sounds were the whisper of wind through dry grass and the muted clank of weapons as soldiers stirred upon the walls.