
Who originated the concept of stereo sound?

Listening to a good stereo system always freaks me out.

She sings along with the car stereo on the drive over.

Its extended range and large scale stereo presentation belie its size.

It also opens up other Bluetooth devices for use with the television including Bluetooth wireless stereo headphones.

In every chewed-up stereo speaker, busted screen door, purloined grilled cheese sandwich and bouquet of decapitated flowers, Mr. Grogan finds more about Marley to love.

His stereo is earthed.

B: That's because you can afford good stereo equipment.

This is no time to lash out on a new stereo.

Turning off the stereo and trying to remember to breathe, I realized my mobile phone was ringing.

The next generation of radio listeners might not remember the olden days of scrolling through stations by turning a knob on a car or home stereo.

We're being deafened by next door's stereo.

Obviously, there's not much sense of stereo-channel separation unless you have a very skinny head.

The researchers played different túngara frog songs to female frogs and frog-eating bats on a stereo in order to see which speaker they approached first.

We have full stereo sound, video, 35 mm slides.

You can take two side-by-side photos or choose two stereo-pairs from storage to create the 3D images by shifting, rotating, and scaling the image pairs.

The front mounted speaker is connected by thick cable to the stereo.


Stereo headphones and stereos.

Their clothes were always starched , their kitchen full, and their home stocked with the newest furniture, stereo equipment and accessories.

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