
"Clock it," Dr. Wilson ordered.

Because Wilson was only 15, they weren't expecting much, but Wilson came prepared.

Wilson: Brain tumors at her age are highly unlikely.

Quoted in Cooper, "Woodrow Wilson: a Biography," p. 560.

Wilson lashed out at Roosevelt's proposals for social legislation and control of corporations.

G. Wilson Knight, Emeritus Professor at the University of Leeds, has had a long and prolific career as a critic.

One of his best-known works dramatizes the entry of the United States into the war in April 1917, as President Wilson confronts a rudely surprised Wilhelm: "Kaiser to Wilson: You don't mean it!"

If Jem Wilson wanted Mary, he should have her tomorrow, even if he had not a penny to keep her.

Brandon Wilson, a 15 year old from Pleasant Hill, said he can't get enough of Harry Potter. He has read every book and watched every movie.

My speech's venue was the Woodrow Wilson School's main auditorium. It was a kind of cool to imagine being on the other side of the lectern there for the first time.

Mr. Wilson, not a little astonished at this outbreak- for he was a grandfatherly sort of personage, and usually a vast favourite with children- essayed, however, to proceed with the examination.




Wilson” is a curious document.

That night, the two men ate at the Wilson club.

Wilson: I just assumed it was a zebra.

Woodrow Wilson thought that he had a God-given duty to bring liberty to mankind.

Wilson Palacios, Honduras — There's nothing wrong with aiming high and the Tottenham Hotspur midfielder has always done that.

It's good to be smart, but that's no guarantee of success; Woodrow Wilson, the only President with a Ph.D., never won over a majority of voters.

The President saw Woodrow Wilson frustrated and his peace plans blown to hell by a congress that got out of control.

Wilson said after the news conference that Scoot is unable to fly to the United States initially because the B777-200 "s limitations but he was not ruling out serving the us market in the future."


O. Wilson says, "We're in uncharted territory.

Please contact Pastor Wilson Cheng, Associate Pastor Thomas Mak, Elders David Chan or Wilson Wai regarding any church matters.

Wilson Administration's Soviet Russian policy holds an important position in the American diplomatic history.

Edith Wilson, Dr. Grayson, and Tumulty did the best they could by their lights, but they were frightened limited people who should have not been trying to keep the Wilson presidency afloat.

Hester Bai LAN said firmly: "I will never tell who is the father of the child," said the remark when her eyes did not see Wilson pastor, but the young priest staring deep and melancholy eyes.


"Let's pass the canteen around,"Wilson suggested.

"It's a rough life if you're a juicy little dinosaur," Wilson said.

Wilson and his advisers were shocked when British and French generals revealed that their government were beginning to draw upon the last reserves.


At first, Wilson traveled happily to Paris, London and Rome.

Objective To analyze the mutation characterization in exon 8 of ATP7B gene in Chinese Patients with Wilson disease(WD).


I could see that Wilson enjoyed making me angry, and he used to laugh at me secretly.

I love Professor Andemund Wilson

The Center is part of the hospital where Wilson once worked as a pediatric emergency nurse: the University of Maryland Medical Center, so the doctors and staff knew her.

General Wilson was eager to act quickly, but his troops had been dispatched.

"To my surprise, this means something about the epithelium is tuned to pick up certain information" in certain zones, New York University's Wilson said.