chalk up造句

For it seems the most successful slimmers chalk up a marathon a week, according to research.

Healthy Tips: Light exercise was the key to weight loss? A recent research found the most successful slimmer chalk up a marathon a week.

It HAS a fearful symmetry to it. A year ago Wall Street Banks were taking turns to chalk up record profits. Now they are sheepishly making history writing down curdled mortgage investments.

chalk up造句

relationship. If you are in a stable relationship with another person then chalk up a point.

Predetermine the rest positions on a route and only chalk up and rest there. Climb briskly from one rest to the next.

The company will chalk up enormous profits

The referee whistled. As Leicester City played discreetly, Leeds fought as well, for they were not willing to chalk up their sixth continuous fail.

She was shocked and trembling to chalk up slowly but firmly crossed and the son's name.

A hard-pressed teacher may load the daily teaching programme or the content of courses onto the computer just to chalk up the required time for IT learning and then conduct his lessons the traditional way.

Predetermine the rest positions on a route and only chalk up and rest there.