
The two factories are three kilometres apart.

Apple is even more of a world apart.

First they ignored the linen pieces But later started tearing them apart.

Dark energy creates a repulsive force that counters gravity and is now tearing apart space-time.

Another giveaway: he'll unconsciously detach from his friends by standing slightly apart, hoping to be seen as an individual.

Easter island is set apart by the wondrous stone statues, called moai, that silently watch over the island's serene landscape.

It then employs an internalhydraulic system and hundreds of suckerlike feet to grab the shells of a musseland summon enough force to pull them apart.

Today, however, after six decades apart, the present day bosses are to bury the hatchet in a highly symbolic display of reconciliation, shaking hands as part of a pioneering peace initiative.

One Texas drugstore clerk explained that Mexicans, unlike blacks, were allowed to drink at the soda fountain. But if they wanted a table they would be seated apart from whites.

Eye to eye, voice to voice, hand to hand, heart to heart, these two children of the Universal Mother, else so wide apart and differing, have come together on the dark highway, to repair home together, and to rest in her bosom.

Her new novel was taken apart by reviewers.

All are after being apart a long time.

It did not fall apart after the demise of Lehman, another big dealer.

The analyzer's job is to take apart a string of text and give you back a stream of tokens.

Analyse farcical procedure in traditional wedding ceremony of national minority in the article,and take apart the essential,function and cause happening of these farcical procedure.

From this came the mass of stringy stem-like supports that form between the two plates as they are pulled apart, as a logical conclusion of the idea of the separation of the two horizontal planes.

The gadgets takes apart for cleaning.

You must set apart some money for the future.

A child in that role usually feels torn apart and on some level resentful about having to parent the parent.

The star then stretches apart (middle yellow blob) and eventually breaks into stellar crumbs, some of which swirl into the black hole (cloudy ring at right).

Mk.5:4 Because he had often been bound with shackles and chains, and the chains had been torn apart by him, and the shackles smashed, and no one was strong enough to subdue him.

He hacked the box apart with the ax.

We have a segmented news media, so there is nobody in most newsrooms to stand apart from the prevailing assumptions.

That large, white knee: the way this narration allows us to see through Haze's eyes Haze the whole body apart, so what he sees is not Mrs. Watts; he sees a large, white knee.

Although Mom had never bothered with books, our physical similarities, apart from my tallness, were undeniable.

The human head louse, for instance, evolved from the chimpanzee louse when the ancestors of humans and chimps split apart some five million years ago.

The little mare was young, but thin, with legs planted wide apart and frayed ears.


The car has practically fallen apart.

And we will see that it was really the breaking apart of this picture that played a very major role in the development of the modern philosophy.

Article102 When assuming office, the Chief Executive, principal officials, President of the Court of Final Appeal and Procurator-General of the Macao Special Administrative Region must swear allegiance to the People's Republic of China, apart from taking the oath under Article101.