
For easier cleanup, spray rings and cooking plate with nonstick spray before use and after washing.

Its principal purpose is the cleanup of leaking hazardous waste disposal sites.

BP boats laid yellow and orange boom to corral the oil for cleanup, white boom to soak it up.

Few of these respondents would be willing to hand over their pensions for a more efficient cleanup of the Alaskan shoreline.

In the image below, ships, presumably involved in the containment and cleanup efforts, can be seen near the edge of the slick.

Switch to the metadata cleanup prompt.

Figure 14 shows the dialog for adding a new cleanup service job.

The requirements are economic recognition of the cleanup taxpayers will incur whether or not these institutions are allowed to fail.

Still, cleanup efforts seemed decidedly AD hoc and the incident raises questions about China's ability to deal with a bigger spill.


The platform calls this class to perform initialization and cleanup.

This would allow you to rollback a transaction, persist data, or perform any other cleanup functions you might need.

The radiation emitted by nonvolatile materials still poses a big danger to workers or cleanup crews close to the plant, along with the released volatile elements such as cesium and iodine.

Generation of documentation or code, cleanup, installation, etc, as soon as you start doing it.

PAUL KRUGMAN: I think it was meant mainly as a technical cleanup—just a reduction in the aid to banks, not a contractionary policy; and maybe also as a non-substantive sop to the inflation hawks.

But having awakened to the severity of China's environmental crisis, the government is now showing the political will to fund a cleanup.

You can specify the logic to cleanup the resources that are allocated in the user exit.

For now, though, there is more concern than harm as the overall impact of the oil leak remains unclear and cleanup efforts provide a lift for some.