
The poor old man struggled to walk on crutches.

Sporting a broken ankle and crutches, only Marilyn Monroe could make a leg injury look stylish.

I would be on crutches for a couple of months and in a soft leg brace after that.

He was stricken with polio as a child, and so he has braces on both legs and walks with the aid of two crutches.

As is subtly portrayed in the drawing, two handicapped young men are heading towards their destination with vigorous strides, leaving all their crutches behind.

Someone in the audience later said: "We figured that he would have to put on his braces, pick up the crutches and limp his way off stage-to either find another violin or another string for this one."

Several white-haired old people were sitting at the bridge, some with crutches under their chins, some with Erlang legs, each in the sun, blowing the river wind, smelling the fragrance of flowers and trees. Visitors seemed to come and go, looking at familiar old houses and passing their leisure time.


After his accident he walked with a pair of crutches.

I saw an old man on crutches, middle-aged office workers and bands of teenagers.

There may be more to that old man hobbling along on his crutches than meets the eye.

With weight on supported legs, the client places crutches one stride in front and then swings to or through them while they support his weight.

It has been a while since Tzu Chi volunteers last saw Htet Wai Lin. Now able to walk with the help of crutches and leg braces, the eight-year-old works hard to improve his wobbly gait everyday.

Doctor: Tomorrow, but he'll need some crutches so he can walk.

Ten days later Bedell was hobbling on a pair of crutches that Dick had made for him.

She obviously knew little English, but must have recognized the tone, for she threw both arms and crutches around me in a big hug, while the traffic streamed by us on both sides.

He entered walking easily and without crutches.

His crutches, his pallet, the earthenware lamp and wooden spoon in its vessel of clay were objects of admiration to me, the simple tools of a pure life.

Youth is for a while, but it has been stranded in memory for a lifetime. Do well now, let the present happiness, so that when you stick the crutches against the sunset, the fragrance of memories will be enough to warm the vicissitudes of those years.

Minh uses crutches and a wheelchair to get around his home and a specially equipped 1990 Toyota to crisscross the neighborhoods where he distributes newspapers.

Beckham was still on crutches today when he visited the studios of ABC.

And he carved out little wooden feet for her, and crutches, taught her the psalm criminals always sing; and she kissed the hand which had wielded the axe, and went over the heath.

With these, and a pair of crutches for back-up, a user can walk around.