
We may expect muggy weather when the rainy season begins.

And I've stifled in the muggy air of Hefei in Anhui.

In the summer, the Yangtze valley is always muggy, so fans are necessary tools for relieving heat.

It's been hot and muggy, with lots of moisture in the air, and that stuff has been trapped under a high-pressure system.

WHEN the summer weather isn't too muggy, my wife and I take the longer walk to a subway station that gives us a shorter train ride.

Because of the continuous muggy weather this summer, many spring and autumn flowers and trees in Shanghai's urban area are currently blooming one after another, confusing some horticultural experts.


Want son is in mind muggy during a lifetime from?

Daytime sea breezes also help take the edge off but nights can be quite muggy.

In the scorching sun, in the muggy weather, the wind slowly blowing, suddenly feel refreshed, comfortable and extraordinary.

It was a muggy evening, with a sky full of stars, and a slender, almost invisible crescent moon. Only in the shade of the trees was there any suggestion of a breeze.

With all this moisture, it feels very muggy outside.

Thee ceremony took place on a muggy morning, with the village's blocks offlats shrouded in a pollution haze.

Then as quickly the rain stopped and a low-lying monster cloud filled with a muggy kind of light and a crowding heat blanketed everything.

The next afternoon after the Dragon Boat Festival, the weather was somewhat muggy.

After people wear the suit for wild sport, muggy sweat can be exhausted quickly and pores are quickened to shrink to avoid a cold.

On muggy summer night, Gardenia brought about memories in the South.

July is a muggy season at Beijing but it is a wonderful weather for lotus as the month is belong to her. Beautiful and sensitive lady live in pond of every park at Beijing. Let's enjoy her charming.

This muggy equatorial Odyssey finally ended at lunchtime on 17 August, when the Russian naval frigate, the Ladny, came alongside.

Chilies both warm the body and induce a cooling sweat, so mapo dofu is a dish made-to-order for Chengdu's perennially humid climate, with its bone-chilling winters and oppressively muggy summers.