
His brothers, Robert and Ted, were equally precocious.

Weinberg took the time to chat to the precocious youngster, even asking the name of his favourite stock.

Brett was very precocious, headstrong, and smart, Butbecause of his developmental immaturity, he was one incident away from beingasked to leave preschool.

The sets might just as well have been built out of available household stuff, the stiff figurines animated and ventriloquized on a classroom or bedroom floor by precocious children.


That child is far too precocious.

But this precocious little boy's desires have run riot. He brings a huge list of presents he wants.

But this tall (6ft. 5in.), precocious Jamaican sprinter is a ray of hope for a sport whose unrelenting doping scandals have won it the same derision heaped on baseball and cycling.

His son is a precocious child who could play the piano at the age of three.

The youngest was the extraordinary case of a six-year-old Peruvian, who suffered precocious puberty and gave birth to a healthy boy by caesarean in 1939.

I loved university almost as much as being a precocious 10-year-old.

She is precocious.

She was alert and precocious and developed at astonishing speed, her mother said, sitting at four months and walking by eight months.

Sometimes I talked to Tatum o 'neal, a redheaded actress I admired for her role as a precocious adolescent capable of falling in love with Richard Burton, who was old enough to be her grandfather.