
The characteristically deep, gruff bark of a dog.

A breed of saddle horse developed in northwest North America, characteristically having a spotted rump.

“It is a matter of waft rather than word-choice,” he tells us, with a characteristically musical turn of phrase.

Any of various primitive elongated freshwater or anadromous fishes of the family Petromyzontidae, characteristically having a jawless sucking mouth with rasping teeth.

Having rushed with other European heads of government to the Middle East to douse the flames of Gaza, he returned home with a characteristically grandiose idea.

Ascribing the discovery of tea to a revered former leader is a characteristically Confucian gesture-it puts power in the hands of the ancestors and links the present day to the mythic past.


But Ford, characteristically, never joined the industry's trade association.

'The Devil's Advocate' is a story about some characteristically American values: ambition, drive, materialism.

For example, the main chamber of the building, which is called the nave, is characteristically taller than it is wide.

Its cultivation may be ancient—dating as far back as 5,000 years ago—but cotton, and its characteristically soft, downy fibers, could be just what modern medicine has been waiting for.

They characteristically had conspired against Batista.

Yet there's a sort of elitism that characteristically infiltrates theranksof institutional Christianity as history has shown.

Mr Sarkozy, who has shifted French diplomacy towards a less Arabist and more pro-Israeli position, has been characteristically busy in the Middle East recently.

Mindlessness and moral idiocy are not characteristically human attributes; they are symptoms of herd-poisoning.

Though he was in his late forties, the man's face appeared older. Creased by age and anxiety, it remained characteristically expressionless under sandy-brown hair sprinkled with gray.

It's poetic and lyrical and if William James characteristically writes that way.

Any of various mollusks of the class Gastropoda, such as the snail, slug, cowrie, or limpet, characteristically having a single, usually coiled shell or no shell at all, a ventral muscular foot for locomotion, and eyes and feelers located on a distinct head.

The paper criticised the "characteristically rumpled" mayor for at one stage having his hands in his pockets during the ceremony.

An electromagnetic wave of audio frequency produced by atmospheric disturbances such as lightning, having a characteristically decreasing frequency responsible for a whistling sound of descending pitch in detection equipment.