
Put several files in that directory, and allow anonymous directory listings.

That deal would see the Nasdaq in control of virtually all US listings, which is also a high margin Business.

Note: Some code listings may have a backslash character, "", to indicate the line of code is continuous but has been formatted for readability.

They have the trappings of the private sector, such as boards of directors and listings on a stockmarket. But they are essentially instruments of state power.


Some cities have dozens of attractive condominium listings selling for $50,000 or $25,000.

You're probably already seeing that these two listings contain the same data -- in fact, they are semantically equivalent.

For those who want to follow along, you may type each line of code in the code listings individually at the prompt.

As shown in the two listings above, the HTML fragment of view mode and edit mode is very simple.

The data in this example represents a list of available apartment listings in Manhattan, New York, perhaps of an individual landlord or a real estate broker.

Paging links provide a means to break up potentially large listings of collection member resources into smaller, more manageable subsets.

Keep vendor listings of software and hardware.

A program that translates from machine language to assembly language, often to decipher existing machine language programs by generating symbolic code listings.

There's a search bar across the top; a list of results down the middle of the page, flanked above and to the right by ads; and a smattering of categories to the left that will refine the listings.